Coalfire Volunteer Day

TXU Energy Urban Tree Farm & Education Center

A group of volunteers from Coalfire joined us at the TXU Energy Urban Tree Farm and Education Center to lend a helping hand with the tree irrigation lines and stabilization system. These volunteers helped move some of the smaller trees planted by Girl Scouts onto the staging tarps, where Marc Beaudoing showed volunteers how to assemble drip lines.

Coalfire volunteers integrated the trees into our new water system as the Texas heat rolls in. After volunteers lined up the potted trees and connected them into the irrigation system, Marc Beaudoing was able to fire up the system and start watering so that Coalfire volunteers could see the results of the work they had done. Tree maintenance is crucial during hot summer months, specifically watering, for the survival of the trees. We appreciate the work done by all of the volunteers to keep our trees alive and well!

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